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Interuptus maximus

Thoughties, tips and terrestrial tourist traps the art of travelling anywhere with the most amount of trivial information.

Make sure you know when to take notice of the traveller’s curse that strikes down the unwary on the  search for calorific charisma. Recently Vino Rossi and rich tucker had erupted the gout during a stumble thru the corridors of cobble stoned villages. This kick started the cursed disease normally associated with European Kings back in times when the peasants had to get by on bread and a few vegetables.

Imagine the poor buggers only eating meat on feast days, In fact, even to this day gout is referred to as  “the disease of Kings.”

Passed through the town of Tourettes, which triggered a few mental markers, whilst erratically meandering about World cup France. Made me laugh and reminisce about my many attacks over the
years when I was younger as my testosterone level and “Type A” personality was not subdued by the  onslaught of old age. I even cursed a little for old time’s sake and attempted a bit of Pernod induced frenetic hip hop staggers to check the Touretteograph.

Dropped into Missolonghi in Greece and discovered that Lord Byron died there in 1824 at the age of 36,  always was fascinated in his exploits and conquests, especially of the 200 or so women he is said to have seduced. So had a mission to find the tree under which Byron’s heart had been buried after his body had been embalmed and shipped back to England. His body burial was refused by Westminster Abbey because of his reputation for drinking from a skull, or was that just sculling and they got it wrong, or his licentiousness and depravity, which of course made him all the more interesting.

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